One of the most important things the organizations can do to hire and retain best in class talent is help all of their employees in building meaningful and successful careers
But the issue is that often individual employees take a somewhat passive and dependent stand – expecting the organization to ‘deliver’ a good career to them
This workshop helps the individual employees deepen their self-awareness and deepen their understanding of the some of the timeless principles of career and capability development
The workshop also helps the participants develop a higher ownership and a better understanding of how they can leverage the resources and support made available by the organization in the area of Career & Capability Development
This workshop can be very effectively used for cohort of High Potential employees as the workshop insights can be directly used to create meaningful development plans
From leadership to parenting to entrepreneurship, the core resource with which we work on any of our missions in life is the ‘Self’
This workshop leverages some of the best scientific and philosophical thinking and helps participants to deeply reflect on their true potential – enables them to take active charge of their own journey of growth and provides effective tools with which they can walk on this path
More than 70 workshops completed covering more than 1200 leaders across levels and across continents. Consistent positive feedback on the impact created by the workshop.